Our terms and conditions are there for any members to refer to at any point throughout their membership.
We are providing a service that is effective, however, it is your responsibility to follow our guidance and implement it into your lifestyle in order to benefit from it.
Sometimes our instructors take holidays so although the sessions run daily, there are odd occasions where there will be a break in the sessions, but we will be sure to give you plenty of notice.
You can use your credits at any point in the current paying month.
Small Group PT members can roll over 2 credits per month on request due to illness.
Occasionally you may book onto a session that is, at that point, full. You will be placed on the waitlist.
Where you book an online course, you are committing to the whole course, and we are unfortunately unable to accept any cancellation or refunds of your booking, unless medical proof is provided. This is because you are reserving a space which could have been offered to someone else and we may not be able to fill that space if you decide to cancel. Before placing your booking please do check that you will be able to attend the whole course.
There is a 30 days notice period from your next payment date to cancel any service.
The Membership Fee is to be paid by Credit/Debit Card or bank transfer. The Membership Fee is to be paid prior to the course start date N.B – You are paying EH Fitness for the services as outlined in this agreement. In the event that you do not use the services, you will still be responsible to make payment for the full term as agreed above.
Refund Policy:
Membership: If you’re having trouble with your new programme or believe it needs to be altered in some way, please call EH Fitness on 07359363518 immediately to speak to one of our team.
You are entitled to a 7-day cooling-off period from the date of your sign-up appointment. After accepting our terms and condition this will be subject to a 15% admin fee.
All PIF memberships with a discounted rate are subject to the full period of agreement.
Acceptance of membership:
The decision to accept the membership application of a EH Fitness member shall be at the sole discretion of the gym and we also reserve the right to verify or require proof of all information given in order to obtain membership.
If we accept your membership application, membership of the gym shall commence upon the first membership payment or upon the date of this agreement, whichever is the earlier. The acceptance by the gym of a membership application shall constitute a legally binding agreement between us.
You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. You have the right to end this agreement during a 7 day cooling off period by giving us an email/written notice in accordance with the terms of this agreement. If you tell us to do anything in relation to this agreement or your membership, we will accept that as authority from you.
Terms and Conditions may be updated throughout your membership, please refer back for reference.
The membership is personal to you, and you are responsible under the terms of this agreement. All of these terms and conditions of membership apply to you unless we tell you otherwise. The gym will not refund Membership Fees if you choose not to attend the gym or any online services.
EH Fitness also reserves the right to change the level of fees from time to time, but guarantees that the level of your membership fees will NOT increase during your Commitment Period (first 12 weeks). We will give you at least 30 days written notice of any changes to the levels of membership fees. Sessions: All sessions are arranged on a scheduled appointment basis. In order for effective use of time, all clients are asked to give a minimum of 5 hours notice when cancelling an appointment. This means a cancellation should be made at least five hours before the scheduled appointment by cancelling on glofox (app). All sessions cancelled inside of five hours of the scheduled appointment will be deducted from your account unless a valid reason can be provided to the office before the session commences.
Session booking and CancellationÂ
Booking are made through our app by yourself. You will not receive a notification of bookings made but they can be viewed by yourself under “bookings”.
If you are on a waitlist, it is important that you check yourself if you have been accepted onto the session.
Missed PT sessions will not be elidgable for credit refund as this space will not be filled by another member at short notice.
Cancellation period of any session is 5 hours. Cancelling within this time will result in a lost credit unless you manage to switch like for like with another member.
Early morning sessions with a start time 9am and before will require cancellation by 9pm the night before.
Ending your Membership
You are welcome to cancel your Personal Training membership programme at any time however you will still be liable for the full initial investment and any subsequent payments due in this period. Any monies paid will be retained by EH Fitness and you will still be obliged to honour all payments in your agreed membership plan.
EH Fitness has a strict no refund policy. N.B – You are still required to pay your membership in full for the 12 weeks and within your cancellation period and you must continue to pay your membership fees until your membership ends. If you want to give notice, it must be in writing or by e-mail. Your notice is not effective until we have received it. We advise that when you give notice you get proof that we have received it.
After the 12 week initial period, cancellation notice is 30 days from your next payment date.
All PIF memberships with a discounted rate are subject to the full period of agreement.
If you are injured and have medical documentation confirming this. We will pause your membership and hold any remaining time or credit for any of our services to use when you are fit to.
Your Health and Safety
Your health and safety are important to us and the instructor will run through safety instructions at the beginning of sessions.
You will be given an informed consent form before your first session which you must read carefully so that you understand the risks and benefits involved in taking part in the classes. If you do have any concerns at all, please raise them with us as we may be able to suggest adaptations which can help. You should only sign the form and take part in the classes if you are comfortable that any concerns have been resolved to your satisfaction.
You know your body better than anyone else so please make sure you listen to it and stick to your limits during the class and the advice given by our instructors. If you need to, use the low intensity options shown to you in class and know that our instructors are there to help you if you need it.
Please ensure you wear comfortable clothing and footwear to each class appropriate for exercise and remove any loose items such as jewellery
Online members are required to manage their own safety. If they feel at any point they need assistance with an exercise we ask you to film it without weights and we will advise and guide.
Our Responsibility
We are not responsible to you for any loss or damage which we could not have reasonably foreseen, or for any loss or damage which is a result of you failing to comply with these terms.
As explained above and in the informed consent form, despite the care that we take in running our sessions there are inevitably risks associated with taking part in any physical activity of this nature. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage that you suffer whilst participating in our classes unless you can show that this was as a result of a lack of care or other wrongdoing on our part.